- The XV Digitization of National Heritage and Digital Humanities 2017
- The XIV Digitization of National Heritage and Digital Humanities 2016
- The XIII Digitization of National Heritage and Digital Humanities 2015
- The Ninth SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, May 15-16, 2014
- The XII National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2013
- The XI National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2012
- The Seventh SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, May 17-18, 2012
- The X National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2011
- The Sixth SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, May 18-20, 2011, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
- The 9th National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage, Belgrade, June 16-17, 2010.
- The fifth SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of cultural and scientific heritage, May 19-20, 2010, Sarajevo, BiH
- SEEDI meeting, Belgrade, April 16 - 17, 2009
- The Eighth National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2009, April 15-16, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
- The fourth SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of cultural and scientific heritage, June 12-15, 2008, Belgrade, Serbia
- The third SEEDI International Conference: Digitization of cultural and scientific heritage, September 13-15, 2007, Cetinje, Montenegro
- The Sixth National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2007
- The Fifth National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2006
- Regional Meeting of the SEEDI South-East European Digitization Initiative: Methodology and Applications 11-13 June 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Conference on "Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era"
- International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2006), India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India, December 5-8, 2006
- 6th International Web Archiving Workshop, Alicante, Spain, September 21-22, 2006
- Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series, Prague, Czech Republic, November 27 - December 8, 2006,[email protected], [email protected]
- International Conference Corpus Linguistics - 2006, St. Petersburg, October 10-14, 2006
- The First SEEDI Conference DIGITAL (re-)DISCOVERY of CULTURE (PHYSICALITY OF SOUL), Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005
- 2005 Text Encoding Initiative Consortium Annual Members' Meeting, Sofia, 28 - 29. 10. 2005.
- The Fourth National Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2005
- Regional Meeting for Cultural Heritage Digitization in South-Eastern Europe
- The Third International Conference New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2004
- New technologies and standards: digitization of national heritage 2003
- New technologies: digitization of national heritage 2002